JJES Weekly News – February 2



JJES Pirate Family,


We want to make you aware that our school community is currently experiencing a high volume of respiratory illnesses, including influenza, covid, strep, and other viruses. We are working with the Clark County Health Department and will increase cleaning measures over the weekend. The health and well-being of our students and staff remain our top priority, and we appreciate your support in helping to keep our school environment as safe as possible.

To help reduce the spread of illness and keep students healthy, we encourage the following:

  • Encourage Proper Handwashing – Frequent handwashing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds can help prevent the spread of germs.
  • Keep Sick Children at Home – If your child is experiencing symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, body aches, or difficulty breathing, please keep them home until they are symptom-free for at least 24 hours without medication.
  • Cover Coughs and Sneezes – Teach children to use a tissue or their elbow to cover coughs and sneezes and to dispose of tissues properly.
  • Maintain Healthy Habits – Encourage a balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to help strengthen your child’s immune system.

We appreciate your partnership in keeping our school community healthy. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school nurse or administration.




JJ Beats – Audition Information

Over the next few weeks, we will hold callback auditions for students by grade level so that we can have a better opportunity to give students more quality time to show us their talents. Cast decisions will be made within a few days following the callbacks – date TBD. 


If your child has sent in a permission slip, he/she will be asked to stay on the following dates for call backs after school until 5:00 pm:

  • Friday, Feb. 7: All 5th Grade + 4th Grade students from these homerooms: Dietrich, Holt, Johanningsmeier, Schafer
  • Monday, Feb. 10: All 3rd Grade + 4th Grade students from homerooms: Sawyer and Tarter
  • If your child was absent from school on Friday, January 31st AND TURNED IN THE AUDITION FORM ON TIME, your child can attend a callback date for their grade level.  


Yearbooks on Sale

Yearbook order forms went home last week.  You can also order online at www.inter-state.com/flyerentry . The user code is 91406M.  The last day to order will be March 7th. 


Tennis Anyone? – JHS

Please share this with your staff and students. This is the information for the Jeffersonville Community Tennis Association Winter Tennis Clinic. Elementary Winter Clinic Information 


Does Your Child Need a Winter Jacket?

Reminder about extra coats. There isn’t a huge variety of sizes for kids that may need a larger coat but they can always come and ask and see if I have one that will fit.


After School Activity Pick Up

We are so proud to offer a wide range of extracurricular activities at JJ.  With multiple activities letting out at the same time, we ask that all parents or guardians use our car rider process to pick up after these activities.  Please make sure to enter our parking lot from Halcyon Rd, wait in line to pick up your child, and exit the parking lot near the Charlestown Library.  Do not park and walk over to get your child.  This makes dismissal from these activities unsafe.


Student Handbook Highlights

  • Attendance-
    • If a student is going to be absent, please contact the office prior to 10:00 am.
    • Excused absences are absences with written documentation or parent communication stating the student is ill, experiencing symptoms, or other excusable absence reason as outlined in student handbooks. 
    • Unexcused absences are absences without written documentation or parent communication stating the student is ill, experiencing symptoms, or other excusable absence reason as outlined in student handbooks. 
  • If you are going to make a change in dismissal, we ask that you call the office and do it prior to 2:00 pm.  
  • The main office is not permitted to do early sign outs after 3:10 pm.
  • Students must attend ½ of a day in order to participate in extracurricular activities.
  • Birthday invitations are not permitted to be passed out at school.
  • Due to student health needs such as diabetes and food allergies, as well as being in compliance with the GCCS Wellness Policy, cookies, cupcakes and other sweets are NOT ALLOWED to be brought in for birthday celebration purposes.
  •  Due to the Greater Clark County Schools Wellness Policy, food from any restaurant (fast food or sit down) and soft drinks are prohibited in the school cafeteria.
  • Students may bring their cell phones to school for emergency preparedness. Cell phones should be turned off and kept in backpacks. If a student has his/her cell phone out while in school, it will be confiscated by an adult staff member. The cell phone will not be released back to the student. A parent/guardian will be called to pick the cell phone up in the school office. 



Aimee Doherty



Jonathan Jennings Elementary


JJES 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Rights and Responsibilities


Upcoming Dates



1 Robotics Competition

3 JJ Blue Home vs. Parkwood

4 JJ White Away vs. Franklin Square

5 JJ White Home vs. New Washington

6 JJ White Away vs. Riverside

6 JJ Blue Home vs. Thomas Jefferson

10-4/11 ILEARN Checkpoint 3 Window Open

10 JJ Blue Away vs. New Washington 5:00

11 JJ White Home vs. Wilson

12 JJ Blue Home vs. Franklin Square

13 Round 1 of Tourney

15 Round 2 of Tourney at CHS

17 No School

18 Semi-finals at JHS

20 Championship at JHS

20 and 21 4th Grade Science Fair

24-3/14 Wrestling Intramurals

25 and 26 CMS Counselor Visits 5th Graders


3-14 IREAD Window

15 Q3 Ends and Grades due by 4pm

16-23 Spring Break


2 and 3 5th Graders Tour CMS

4 Kona Ice

14-5/9 ILEARN Window

22, 23, or 24 Regional Track Meet at CHS

28-5/18 Volleyball

29 District Track Meet at CHS


2 No School

6 No School

9 Kona Ice

12-6/27 Summer IREAD Window

12 and 16 Biztown Field Trip

20 5th Grade Graduation at CHS at 6:00 pm

21 Last Student Day 

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