JJES Weekly News – January 12



JJES Pirate Family,


Monday, January 13, 2025- Two Hour Delay

We will be on a two hour delay tomorrow.  Normally our school arrival begins at 8:40. When it is a two hour delay, our school arrival begins at 10:40.


Inclement Weather: Synchronous eLearning

For the remainder of the school year, IF our school district chooses to utilize an eLearning Day, it will be assigned as Synchronous.  Below is information about what this day of eLearning would look like: 

  • All assigned work and lessons will be communicated through Google Classroom.
  • Teachers will be expected to deliver face to screen instruction via Google Meet following the published GCCS eLearning Synchronous school day schedule
  • Attendance will be taken during the Google Meet sessions.  Students will be marked as absent if they do not attend the Google Meet sessions on each eLearning day.  Teachers can make changes to attendance up to 5 days after the eLearning date.  


JJES Family Night- Thursday, January 16th

We will host a Leave Your Mark Family Night on January 16th from 5:00-6:30.  Enjoy games, a scavenger hunt, prizes, service projects, kindness crafts, and fun with your family at school!  Please bring in unexpired canned goods or non-perishable packaged food items to be donated.  There will be a complementary chili dinner and books to first come first serve!  We hope you can join us!

Spanish Leave Your Mark Jan 16 pdf (1).pdf 

Leave Your Mark Jan 16 pdf.pdf 


Boys Basketball Tryouts

Basketball tryouts have been rescheduled for after school on Monday, January 13 and Tuesday, January 14.  Please be on time at 5:00 pm to pick up your child.  The team will be posted on Tuesday at 6:00 pm on the outside of the front entrance doors.


JJES Student Council Fundraiser: American Heart Association

Hello Jonathan Jennings Elementary School Families, 


The Kids Heart Challenge is underway, and we invite you to join us in shaping the next generation of lifesavers while continuing the fight against heart disease and stroke.  

Here is how you can participate and make a difference. 


Join the FUN! Help our classroom earn Amazon Gift Cards by participating in the Kids Heart Challenge. 

  • Download the Free AHA Schools APP for Apple or Android and click “Register Now” then scroll down to join your school’s team.  Or click HERE. and then choose “Sign Up” to start your journey and becoming a lifesaver! 
  • Spread the Word: Text or Email 10 friends and family, asking for their support. 
  • Complete Finn’s Mission: Learn the lifesaving skill of Hands-Only CPR and how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T. 


Thank you for helping us achieve our goals and being a part of this life-changing effort.  Together, we can make a real impact! 


Dress Up Days are also happening to encourage students to participate in donations online. Days are as follows. Please encourage your child to participate!  

Monday 1/13: Game Day or Wear Blue

Tuesday 1/14: School Spirit Day: Wear PRIDE shirt or Charlestown Colors

Wednesday 1/15: Quacky Wednesday: Mix & Match Day

Thursday 1/16: Dress up or Dress down: Dress fancy or comfy, you decide!

Friday 1/17: Super Hero Day: Dress like your favorite superhero (no masks) or Wear Red

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Mobile Dentist Comes to JJES

Please check out the attached flyers to learn more about this service.  The Mobile Dentist will be at JJES on Thursday and Friday of this week.  Please sign up using the attached flyer if you would like for your child to participate. 

Registration Flyer Spanish.pdf 

Registration Flyer English.pdf 


ILEARN Checkpoint Guidance for Families – All Grades (3).pdf 

The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is piloting three checkpoints for Grades 3-8 in the 2024-2025 school year. These checkpoints are a new component of the new LEARN through-year assessment for English/Language Arts (ELA) and Math, which will be given to all students in Indiana beginning in the school year 2025-2026. Your child’s school will take part in the pilot program this year. The checkpoints will take place in Fall, Winter, and Spring. Each checkpoint has 20-25 questions and will show how your child is doing in key skills and concepts from the Indiana Academic Standards. This helps guide teaching and supports your child’s learning. 


JJES Clothes Closet

Please keep us in mind when donating your gently used children’s clothing.  We are always in need of a variety of boys and girls clothing.  Our biggest need right now is pants!


Does Your Child Need a Winter Jacket?

Reminder about extra coats. There isn’t a huge variety of sizes for kids that may need a larger coat but they can always come and ask and see if I have one that will fit.



Aimee Doherty



Jonathan Jennings Elementary


JJES 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Rights and Responsibilities


Upcoming Dates



6 Q3 Begins

13-14 Boys Basketball Tryouts

16 Family Night at JJES 5:00-6:30

20 No School

27 JJ Blue Home vs. Franklin Square

28 JJ White Away vs. Riverside

30 JJ Blue Away vs. JJ White

31 JJ Beats Audition


3 JJ Blue Home vs. Parkwood

4 JJ White Away vs. Franklin Square

5 JJ White Home vs. New Washington

6 JJ Blue Home vs. Thomas Jefferson

10-4/11 ILEARN Checkpoint 3 Window Open

10 JJ Blue Away vs. New Washington 5:00

11 JJ White Home vs. Wilson

13 Round 1 of Tourney

15 Round 2 of Tourney at CHS

17 No School

18 Semi-finals at JHS

20 Championship at JHS

24-3/14 Wrestling Intramurals

25 and 26 CMS Counselor Visits 5th Graders


3-14 IREAD Window

15 Q3 Ends and Grades due by 4pm

16-23 Spring Break


2 and 3 5th Graders Tour CMS

4 Kona Ice

14-5/9 ILEARN Window

22, 23, or 24 Regional Track Meet at CHS

28-5/18 Volleyball

29 District Track Meet at CHS


2 No School

6 No School

9 Kona Ice

12-6/27 Summer IREAD Window

12 and 16 Biztown Field Trip

21 Last Student Day

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