JJES Weekly News – March 10


JJES Pirate Family,

 Academic Team Tryouts- March 11

Information on this activity will go home on Monday, March 4th.  Students that want to participate will take the tryout test throughout their school day on March 11th.  The team will be announced on March 12th and there will be practice after school on March 14th.  The GCCS Academic Competition date is set for May 9th at JHS.

Spring Pictures and Group Yearbook Pictures- Monday, March 11th

Spring pictures are optional and order forms were sent home last week.  We will be doing group photos for the yearbook on Monday for all of our sports teams and clubs.

Wrestling Intramural Showcase, Wednesday, March 13th

Families are invited into the JJ practice on Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 for our Wrestling Intramural Showcase.  Athletes will receive two matches and have the opportunity to demonstrate their newly learned skills.

Charlestown Middle School Band Open House, Thursday, March 14th

Fifth graders interested in participating in Band next school year may attend the CMS Band Open House from 4:00 – 7:00.  Students will have the opportunity to meet the teacher and learn about different instruments available to learn to play.

Quarter 3 PRIDE Day- Friday, March 15th

We are so excited to celebrate the hard work from our students and staff throughout the third quarter of school.  We have organized a Silent Disco for each grade level to enjoy on Friday!  Please encourage your child to wear their PRIDE Family shirt!

R.O.C.K: Raising Our Children’s Kids

Grandparents, foster parents, or other family members who are now the primary caregiver for children; please join us for support, fellowship and information that is vital for the journey you are on.  There are two Clark County meeting sites: Sellersburg Library Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 am April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7 and 14 or the Clarksville Library on Wednesdays 10:00 am -12:00 pm, April 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, and 15.  For more information please contact: Kathy Sampson (812) 945-3400 or email kathy@ourplaceservices.org.


Aimee Doherty


Jonathan Jennings Elementary

JJES Student Handbook

Rights and Responsibilities

Upcoming Dates


4-3/15 IREAD 3 Testing Window

11 Spring Pictures/Group Yearbook photos

12 Rube Goldberg Competition at RVMS

14 CMS Band Information Night for 5th graders 4-7 PM at CMS

15 Quarter 3 ends and Q3 PRIDE Day

18-39 Spring Break


1-5/10 I AM Testing Window Open

5 911 Presentation for 4th Grade

8 No School

12 GCCS Art Show Open House 5:00-8:00

15-5/10 ILEARN Testing Window Open

19 Kona Ice Day

22 Midterms Go Home

30 District Track Meet at CHS 5:00


2 Kona Ice Day

3 No School

5-5/24 NWEA Testing Window Open

6-10 Scholastic Book Fair

6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

6-22 Volleyball Intramurals

7 Teacher Day Only

9 Academic Team Competition at JHS

10 Pirate Jam

13-6/28 Summer IREAD3 Testing Window Open

16 and 17 5th Grade Biztown Field Trip

17 4th Grade Historic Walk

17 Kona Ice Day

20 Field Day

22 5th Grade Graduation at CHS 6:00 PM

24 Q4 Ends- Last Day of School

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