JJES Weekly News – March 2


JJES Pirate Family,


Science Club

Mr. Dietrich will be hosting a week long Science Club for each grade level leading up to Spring Break.  The 4th grade Science Club is scheduled for March 3-6, from 3:50-5:00. Please look for the 5th grade permission slips to be sent home this week.  Fifth grade Science Club is scheduled for March 10-13.


JJES Community Night- March 6th, 5:30-7:00 pm 

As the school year comes to a close and we eagerly await the opening of our new school, we invite you to take a walk down memory lane. Join us for a heartfelt farewell community night, themed “Pop In and Say Farewell,” to celebrate the cherished moments we’ve shared at Jonathan Jennings.  This event is open to past and present students, staff, and families.  

We will have trophies and memorabilia for sale in the cafeteria during the event!


Yearbook Group Pictures: Extracurricular Activities- Friday, March 7th 

Throughout the morning on Friday, March 7th, we will be taking all group photos of extracurricular activities for our Yearbook.  If the group your child participated in this school year had a team shirt, please bring that to put on for the picture.  


Chess Club: March 24-April 3

Mr. Dietrich will be hosting an after school Chess Club.  Students of all Chess levels are invited to participate.  Permission slips can be picked up from the office and are due on March 12th.  Permission Slip Form


Yearbooks on Sale

Yearbook order forms went home last week.  You can also order online at www.inter-state.com/flyerentry . The user code is 91406M.  The last day to order will be March 7th. 



After School Activity Pick Up

We are so proud to offer a wide range of extracurricular activities at JJ.  With multiple activities letting out at the same time, we ask that all parents or guardians use our car rider process to pick up after these activities.  Please make sure to enter our parking lot from Halcyon Rd, wait in line to pick up your child, and exit the parking lot near the Charlestown Library.  Do not park and walk over to get your child.  This makes dismissal from these activities unsafe.


Student Handbook Highlights

  • Attendance-
    • If a student is going to be absent, please contact the office prior to 10:00 am.
    • Excused absences are absences with written documentation or parent communication stating the student is ill, experiencing symptoms, or other excusable absence reason as outlined in student handbooks. 
    • Unexcused absences are absences without written documentation or parent communication stating the student is ill, experiencing symptoms, or other excusable absence reason as outlined in student handbooks. 
  • If you are going to make a change in dismissal, we ask that you call the office and do it prior to 2:00 pm.  
  • The main office is not permitted to do early sign outs after 3:10 pm.
  • Students must attend ½ of a day in order to participate in extracurricular activities.
  • Birthday invitations are not permitted to be passed out at school.
  • Due to student health needs such as diabetes and food allergies, as well as being in compliance with the GCCS Wellness Policy, cookies, cupcakes and other sweets are NOT ALLOWED to be brought in for birthday celebration purposes.
  •  Due to the Greater Clark County Schools Wellness Policy, food from any restaurant (fast food or sit down) and soft drinks are prohibited in the school cafeteria.
  • Students may bring their cell phones to school for emergency preparedness. Cell phones should be turned off and kept in backpacks. If a student has his/her cell phone out while in school, it will be confiscated by an adult staff member. The cell phone will not be released back to the student. A parent/guardian will be called to pick the cell phone up in the school office. 



Aimee Doherty



Jonathan Jennings Elementary


JJES 2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Rights and Responsibilities


Upcoming Dates



24-3/7 Wrestling Intramurals

3-6 Science Club- 4th Grade

4 and 5 IREAD Test Administered

3-6 Science Club-4th grade

6 JJES Community Night 5:30 – 7:00

10-13 Science Club- 5th grade

10 and 11 ILEARN Checkpoint 3 Administered

11 District Rube Goldberg Competition

14 Q3 PRIDE Day

15 Q3 Ends and Grades due by 4pm

16-23 Spring Break


2 and 3 5th Graders Tour CMS

4 Kona Ice

4 PTO Boosterthon

14-5/9 ILEARN Window

22, 23, or 24 Regional Track Meet at CHS

28-5/18 Volleyball

29 District Track Meet at CHS


2 No School

9 Kona Ice

12-6/27 Summer IREAD Window

12 and 16 Biztown Field Trip

13 GCCS Academic Team Competition at 5:30

15 JJ Beats Evening Performance

20 5th Grade Graduation at CHS at 6:00 pm

22 Last Student Day 

Shopping Basket
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