Jonathan Jennings Elementary
Jonathan Jennings Elementary Logo

JJES Weekly News – February 5


JJES Pirate Family,

JJES Champions for Children

Congratulations to Sulayne Kaelin for being named JJES Certified Educator of the Year!  Sulayne has her hand in just about everything at JJ!  Throughout her career she spent many years as a second grade teacher and is currently our Academic Instructional Coach.  Also, a big congratulation to Joy Bethany for being named JJES Classified Educator of the Year!  Joy is a para educator and works mostly with our third graders.

PTO Winter Parties- Friday, February 9th

Thank you so much for your donation of items for the class Winter parties on Friday.  Students are welcome to bring in Valentines to share with classmates on this day.

Quarter 3 Midterms

These grades will be sent home this week.  Please make sure to take a look at your child’s grade report and communicate any concerns to your child’s teacher.  This is a great time to remind you that you can always find up to date information about grades and attendance in Powerschool.  It is important that every parent is able to access information from here.  If you have not already set this up, please reach out to your child’s teacher and we can send home information to help you do this.

Slime Making Day- Volunteers Needed 

We are so excited to partner again with Ben and Crystal Woods from Look Out for the Left Out to have a Slime Making Day at JJ on Friday, March 1st!

Amazon Wishlist of Supplies Needed (Items must be ordered by Feb. 19th to arrive on time.)

Volunteer- Sign Up Genius (Must have a Limited Background Check on file.)

To learn more about Calla’s story, please check out the website Look Out for the Left Out.

Aimee Doherty


Jonathan Jennings Elementary

JJES Student Handbook

Rights and Responsibilities

Upcoming Dates


16-3/1 WIDA Testing Window Open

5 Midterms Go Home

5 JJ White Home vs. Clarksville

5 JJ Blue Away at Riverside

6 JJ White Away at New Washington

6 JJ Blue Away at Wilson

8 JJ Blue Away at Franklin Square

8 JJ WHite Home vs. Utica

9 PTO Winter Parties

12 JJ White Away at Wilson

13 4th Grade NAEP Testing

15 and 16 4th Grade Science Fair

15 First Round of Tourney: JJ White at Parkwood

17 Second Round of Tourney: JJ Blue at CHS at 12:30

20 and 21 CMS Counselor to visit 5th graders

20 Semi-finals of Tourney

22 JJ Beats Auditions

22 Championship Game

26 CMS Band Informational meeting for 5th Graders (during the day)

26-3/1 American Heart Association Challenge (Student Council Fundraiser)

26-3/14 Wrestling Intramurals

28 and 29 5th Grade Tours CMS


1 Look Out for the Left Out Slime Making Day

1 JJ Beats Cast Posted

4-3/15 IREAD 3 Testing Window

11 Spring Pictures/Group Yearbook photos

12 Rube Goldberg Competition at RVMS

14 CMS Band Information Night for 5th graders 4-7 PM at CMS

15 Quarter 3 ends and Q3 PRIDE Day

18-39 Spring Break


1-5/10 I AM Testing Window Open

5 911 Presentation for 4th Grade

8 No School

12 GCCS Art Show Open House 5:00-8:00

15-5/10 ILEARN Testing Window Open

19 Kona Ice Day

22 Midterms Go Home

30 District Track Meet at CHS 5:00


2 Kona Ice Day

3 No School

5-5/24 NWEA Testing Window Open

6-10 Scholastic Book Fair

6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week

6-22 Volleyball Intramurals

7 Teacher Day Only

9 Academic Team Competition at JHS

10 Pirate Jam

13-6/28 Summer IREAD3 Testing Window Open

16 and 17 5th Grade Biztown Field Trip

17 4th Grade Historic Walk

17 Kona Ice Day

20 Field Day

22 5th Grade Graduation at CHS 6:00 PM

24 Q4 Ends- Last Day of School

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